
Compulsions can be defined as repeating physical or mental actions that an individual feels compelled to do according to their own strict rules. There are millions of people who suffer from some form of compulsion. These compulsions might affect a person’s work, health, and relationships. Sadly people with compulsions persist with their compulsions, even though it affects their lives negatively. Compulsions can become all-consuming and can make it very difficult to live a normal life for the individual.  The person might not want to repeat these compulsions and view that as irrational, but they still have a strong inner drive to do so, that overrides their resistance. 

A common compulsive behavior is washing hands. A person might have the compulsion to wash their hands because they are afraid that they might contaminate loved ones or themselves with germs. Their hands might “feel” dirty, therefore they keep washing their hands until they “feel” right. This is a heightened sense of responsibility to protect loved ones, which often results in strict rituals.

If you would like to read a little more information on which compulsions seem to be the most common you can have a look at this article published by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.

What are examples of compulsive behaviors?

These compulsions are normally acted out, to soothe the obsessions in the individual’s mind. For example, they will lock knives away, in fear of stabbing a loved one.

It’s also interesting to note that compulsions can be anything. They can be other things not identified on this list.

Seeking constant reassurance could also be a form of compulsion. For example, the individual could ask a loved one if they locked the door, closed the taps if they still love them constantly. They will keep asking to keep receiving reassurance. Any relief that the individual receives from their compulsion is short-lived. This eventually will get worse over time and become an unending cycle of obsessions and compulsions (OCD)

The cycle starts like this :

Compulsion Facts

What are the treatment options for compulsions?

What should you do if you are experiencing compulsions?

If you are experiencing any of the above, call us today to make an appointment. OCD can be treated with different types of therapies. You don’t have to suffer in silence. We understand that this can be a very scary and real problem, that be debilitating. It is comforting to know that OCD can be cured, even those who might still suffer from OCD, therapy can really help. You can live a normal life with relief from OCD.