
Obsessive anxiety disorders

Obsessive anxiety disorders can be very difficult to live with. One that many people struggle with is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, also known as OCD. There is also Obsessive Love Disorder. This can be a very debilitating mental health issue to live with. If you suffer from OCD you will experience unreasonable thoughts as well as fears, that can lead to obsessive behaviors.  People who have OCD might have a fear of germs, therefore they might wash their hands obsessively. Or you might have a compulsion to arrange certain objects in a specific order. You might have obsessions or compulsions or both. This can cause a lot of distress for those who suffer from OCD.

Those who have OCD often obsess about thinks that people wouldn’t normally worry about.  It is not about a person’s character but rather symptoms of an illness. It’s interesting to note that compulsions are often ways to cope with the obsessions a person might be experiencing. OCD can affect anyone at any time. The exact cause of OCD is unknown but certain factors such as a person’s history, biology, and life experiences can contribute towards it.

What are the symptoms of OCD?

If you are suffering from the above symptoms, you might feel embarrassed and ashamed, as people might not always understand OCD. Feeling this way can make it difficult to ask for help. It might be taking over your life, as obsessions and compulsions take time. The good news is that there is help for those who suffer from OCD. The choice is yours, but we would love to help you manage your OCD

The following treatments are available for OCD.

OCD facts

Seek help now to feel better

If you are struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and you would like to seek help, please contact us today. We would love to help you manage your symptoms and help you to feel better. You don’t have to face this alone.