Test Anxiety

Test Anxiety

Being anxious for tests is something that most people struggle with. Worrying about failure, or studying before a test can be a very stressful time in a person’s life. Perhaps your mind goes blank when you stare at the test paper in front of you, or your stomach begins to churn from anxiety. Being nervous before a test is normal, but some students might find it so debilitating that they can’t focus. Their results might not be a reflection of their true ability or understand because anxiety and nerves get in the way.

What are the symptoms of test anxiety?

Test anxiety is almost a type of performance anxiety. Even if you have worked hard on studying for weeks or months, having test anxiety could cloud and derail all your hard work.

What are the symptoms of test anxiety?

There are a few different factors that come into play with test anxiety. It could be a combination of things that makes people suffer from severe anxiety during tests but the following are some of the main causes of test anxiety.

Being afraid of failure is a major cause of test anxiety. An individual might be so afraid of failure, that they put a lot of pressure on themselves. Passing the test might be tied in with their self worth, and this can cause severe anxiety.

A history of failing tests can also cause test anxiety. Even if you studied well, you might have been so anxious that you couldn’t remember what you studied and failed your test. This could lead to a cycle of fear and even more anxiety every time you write a test.

Being unprepared for a test can also cause test anxiety. If you haven’t studied well you might also be extremely anxious for your test.

There are a few things that you can do to help you feel calmer for a test.

If test anxiety has become debilitating and is affecting your life, please contact us today. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been shown to be really helpful for those who are suffering from test anxiety. Remember test anxiety can be treated. You can get help and feel confident when writing tests. The Anxiety Disorders Clinic would love to help you find peace an inner calm.

Specific Phobias

Specific Phobias

Having Specific Phobias is a type of anxiety disorder. This can be an extreme, irrational fear or an aversion to the phobia.  Everyone experiences fear at times. But with a phobia, you will experience dread or panic when faced with a specific object or situation. These irrational fears can affect a person’s work, relationships, schooling, and life. You might even not enjoy life anymore because of your phobia.

Having a specific phobia is different from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. A person will experience an irrational intense fear of something. Such as spiders for example.  The person might even anticipate being confronted with their phobia. They can’t control the fear that they feel towards the object or situation. A person might realize that their phobia is irrational but they can’t help feeling the dread that the fear. The object might also not pose any danger towards the individual. The individual will avoid their phobia at all costs. Living like this can be extremely debilitating. The person can suffer extreme anxiety because of their specific phobia.

Specific Phobia Facts

Types of phobias

Symptoms of phobias

What are the treatment options for phobias?

There are a few treatment options available for those who suffer from specific phobias. Treatments that work the best are:



Compulsions can be defined as repeating physical or mental actions that an individual feels compelled to do according to their own strict rules. There are millions of people who suffer from some form of compulsion. These compulsions might affect a person’s work, health, and relationships. Sadly people with compulsions persist with their compulsions, even though it affects their lives negatively. Compulsions can become all-consuming and can make it very difficult to live a normal life for the individual.  The person might not want to repeat these compulsions and view that as irrational, but they still have a strong inner drive to do so, that overrides their resistance. 

A common compulsive behavior is washing hands. A person might have the compulsion to wash their hands because they are afraid that they might contaminate loved ones or themselves with germs. Their hands might “feel” dirty, therefore they keep washing their hands until they “feel” right. This is a heightened sense of responsibility to protect loved ones, which often results in strict rituals.

If you would like to read a little more information on which compulsions seem to be the most common you can have a look at this article published by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. https://www.ocduk.org/overcoming-ocd/nice-guidelines-for-the-treatment-of-ocd/

What are examples of compulsive behaviors?

These compulsions are normally acted out, to soothe the obsessions in the individual’s mind. For example, they will lock knives away, in fear of stabbing a loved one.

It’s also interesting to note that compulsions can be anything. They can be other things not identified on this list.

Seeking constant reassurance could also be a form of compulsion. For example, the individual could ask a loved one if they locked the door, closed the taps if they still love them constantly. They will keep asking to keep receiving reassurance. Any relief that the individual receives from their compulsion is short-lived. This eventually will get worse over time and become an unending cycle of obsessions and compulsions (OCD)

The cycle starts like this :

Compulsion Facts

What are the treatment options for compulsions?

What should you do if you are experiencing compulsions?

If you are experiencing any of the above, call us today to make an appointment. OCD can be treated with different types of therapies. You don’t have to suffer in silence. We understand that this can be a very scary and real problem, that be debilitating. It is comforting to know that OCD can be cured, even those who might still suffer from OCD, therapy can really help. You can live a normal life with relief from OCD.



Obsessive anxiety disorders

Obsessive anxiety disorders can be very difficult to live with. One that many people struggle with is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, also known as OCD. There is also Obsessive Love Disorder. This can be a very debilitating mental health issue to live with. If you suffer from OCD you will experience unreasonable thoughts as well as fears, that can lead to obsessive behaviors.  People who have OCD might have a fear of germs, therefore they might wash their hands obsessively. Or you might have a compulsion to arrange certain objects in a specific order. You might have obsessions or compulsions or both. This can cause a lot of distress for those who suffer from OCD.

Those who have OCD often obsess about thinks that people wouldn’t normally worry about.  It is not about a person’s character but rather symptoms of an illness. It’s interesting to note that compulsions are often ways to cope with the obsessions a person might be experiencing. OCD can affect anyone at any time. The exact cause of OCD is unknown but certain factors such as a person’s history, biology, and life experiences can contribute towards it.

What are the symptoms of OCD?

If you are suffering from the above symptoms, you might feel embarrassed and ashamed, as people might not always understand OCD. Feeling this way can make it difficult to ask for help. It might be taking over your life, as obsessions and compulsions take time. The good news is that there is help for those who suffer from OCD. The choice is yours, but we would love to help you manage your OCD

The following treatments are available for OCD.

OCD facts

Seek help now to feel better

If you are struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and you would like to seek help, please contact us today. We would love to help you manage your symptoms and help you to feel better. You don’t have to face this alone.



What is trauma?

The dictionary defines trauma as “a deeply distressing or disturbing experience.” Trauma makes life difficult to cope with. You might feel hopeless, and have low self-esteem from the traumatic event. Trauma can be very complex and cause deep emotional pain. This could affect a person throughout their life. If you are experiencing trauma from a past event or a recent event, you might be feeling very alone, depressed, angry, afraid and distressed. Upsetting memories could be haunting your dreams at night, and you might not be able to trust other people. These are some of the symptoms of trauma. 

Trauma can affect anyone. It doesn’t discriminate, and people all over the world have experienced trauma.  What happened to you is unique, and painful, whatever traumatic event you have experienced, know that you can seek help and slowly begin to heal. 

What are the symptoms of trauma?

Physical Symptoms could include

What causes emotional and psychological trauma?

Emotional and psychological trauma can be caused by different things.

Perhaps a one-time event, that happened during your childhood, such as an attack, an injury, severe illness, abuse (sexual or physical) or an accident caused you to feel traumatized. This is especially true if what happened was unexpected.

You could also experience ongoing trauma that does not stop. For example if you are in an abusive relationship, or grew up in an abusive home. You can also experience ongoing trauma if you live in a war-torn country or a dangerous area. Trauma can also be a bit more subtle though. For example, a recent breakup, a divorce or the death of a loved one. This can also happen if you have experienced a surgery recently or in the past, that left you feeling traumatized.

What treatment options are there for trauma?

When it comes to trauma, you might need psychological help for longer periods of time. Patience will be needed. This might not be the answer that you were hoping for, but there is hope and you can begin to feel human again and cope. You will begin to feel better again slowly but it is also not uncommon to still have memories of the traumatic event at times. Those who have survived trauma will do well with therapists that can help them to heal. 

Different types of therapies include:

When should you seek professional help?

What should you do?

If you are experiencing any of the above, please seek professional help. You do not need to suffer alone. Being a trauma survivor is a huge feat. You survived something which people should never have to face. Trauma survivors have an inner strength which is very special. We would love to help you at the Winnipeg Anxiety Clinic. You can feel safe again and live a meaningful life.



panic attack

If you have ever had a panic attack, you will know that it is extremely frightening. Your throat feels as if it’s about to close, your heart races, you might get dizzy, and you might even feel as if you can’t breathe. The panic attack itself can give rise to more anxiety. Panic Disorder is an anxiety-related problem that many people experience at some point in their lives. If you are experiencing symptoms of Panic Disorder, you are not alone. Winnipeg Anxiety Clinic provides the best therapy for panic attacks upon panic disorder counselling.

What is Panic Disorder?

Panic Disorder is an anxiety-related disorder where you suffer from a number of panic attacks at unexpected times. A panic attack is a feeling of intense fear, which you might experience emotionally or physically. You can experience a panic attack, even if there is no immediate danger. Panic attacks are not life-threatening, even though they feel like they are. Some people experience panic attacks once or twice in their lives, depending on stressful situations, but if you have reoccurring panic attacks and live in fear of your next attack, you might possibly be suffering from a Panic Disorder. In this context, specialized panic attacks therapy can be helpful.

What are the symptoms of Panic Disorder?

Apart from these panic attack symptoms, you can also experience chest pain, numbness, sweating, shaking, chills, and hot flashes. If you experience these symptoms on a regular basis, then we strongly advise you to make an appointment for panic attack symptoms treatment. Being in constant fear is a terrible feeling, and we can help you through our panic disorder counselling in Winnipeg. It would always be wise to see a psychologist to rule out any health problems that could affect your mental condition.

What are treatment options for Panic Disorder?

Remember that you are not alone. There are many people who feel the same way that you do. Life is stressful, and at times, stress catches up with us in the form of Panic Disorders. Know that you can get panic disorder treatment, and you can heal. Allow us to help you with our professional panic attacks therapy. Don’t let yourself suffer in silence, we are here to help.

Generalized Anxiety

Generalized Anxiety

What is Generalized Anxiety?

If you worry constantly about a number of different things, to the extent that it affects your daily life, you could be suffering from Generalized Anxiety disorder. People who struggle with Generalized anxiety may worry about constant doom, and that the outcome of any situation will be a bad one. 

People with GAD often worry more than they need to about money, illness, family, and work. They also struggle to control their worry and anxiety. It can become extremely debilitating. You will be diagnosed with GAD if you have the following symptoms for 6 months, and you worry about things on most days. You only need to have 3 of the following symptoms to be diagnosed with this disorder.

Symptoms of GAD​

If you experience these symptoms it might be time to see a psychologist, to help you cope with how you feel. GAD can be a very scary disorder to live with.  We at the Winnipeg Anxiety Clinic would love to help you lead a happier life with less worry. 

What are the treatment options?

What can you do to help reduce symptoms of GAD?

There are also many things that you can do at home to help relieve symptoms of Generalised Anxiety Disorder.

Some interesting facts about GAD

Controlled separation involves a mediator to control and guide the situation for avoiding a divorce. The mediator is usually a therapist.

Call us today

If you are suffering from GAD please contact us. Our professional team of caring psychologists would love to help you lead a life free from constant worry and anxiety. 

Winnipeg Anxiety Clinic is here for you.